Tom Foley Reacts to Malloy's Port Proposal


Date: Sept. 21, 2010

"Dan Malloy has just proposed his second new government agency in ten days, the last one being a new authority for Bradley Airport. Bad idea. Connecticut doesn't need more government, we need more jobs. He says his new authority won't have any fiscal impact and then says he will allocate up to $50 million in previously authorized Special Tax Obligation bonds to pay for it. Did I hear that right? Does he mean that it isn't really spending if it has already been authorized or if we are borrowing the money? This is the same tricky accounting from Hartford that got us into this mess. Government doesn't create jobs, businesses do. The right jobs policy is not more government and more spending, but getting government off the backs of employers and solving the uncertainty created by our budget deficit. After we have done that, employers will be comfortable hiring people again."
